Asked By
mario yulia
0 points
Posted on - 04/16/2012
Please recommend database reporting tools that can make 5-levels of grouped records. We are undergoing a very difficult project right now and we need a tool that can perfectly fit our grouped records. However, our current database can only handle a maximum of three groups.
Are there any possible alternatives for this dilemma, hope the experts here can help me resolve this issue.
Thank you very much.
Five Level Group Database Report Creation
Looks like you want to help of a software that can capture a huge record within many groups. Well, here I suggest something about it.
You can use iNet designer.
Why? May be it's features can fulfill your criteria – For iNet visit this site.
You can download its trial version and commercial version by creating license agreement.
Also you can use Reportizer. It is a powerful database monitoring tool. Download it from-
Altova is also a powerful database reporting tool that may monitor 5 or more level groups database easily. Visit here- It's absolutely free but reliable. It gives you more than you want.
Here is some more suggestion for you- c-treeAce Database from