I am using Microsoft XP in my PC. Sometimes PC shut down with illegal shut down. After that, when PC start again windows run check error. Its wasting my valuable time.
Can I fix this to avoid this error check? If possible, please describe me.
Fix error check after illegal shut down
“Dirty Bit” is being set by the machine in your hard drive whenever your machine was not properly shutdown or a power loss during a read-write operation on your drive. When you re-start again your computer the kernel contacts your autochk.exe to scan all drives to check if the dirty bit was set to your drive. Since your computer was not properly shut down there are chances that the Dirty bit was set on one of your drives. Autochk.exe or error check will perform immediate checking on your hard drives to verify and attempts to fix any problems on you hard drives. It is always recommended you let your computer running the windows check error to fix any problem. However, you may also try the procedure below to disable the error checking every time you re-start your computer.
1. Click Start-Run-Type CMD and on the black screen type “fsutil dirty query c:” c-refers on the drive where your operating system is running. The command above will let you know if dirty is being set on your hard drive.
2. Next, Type “CHKNTFS/X C:” X means that windows will NOT check drive C: on the next reboot after the execution of step 2, manually reboot your computer. By this time your computer should not perform checking of error and will take you immediately to windows.
You can also always perform manually checking of error on your hard drives if you like to.
1. Click Start-Run-Type CMD and on the black screen type "Chkdsk /f /r c:". This will scan your hard drives and unset the dirty bit.
2. Type “fsutil dirty query c:” this command will let you know that the dirty bit was not set on your hard drive.
Note: Procedures above may have other effect on your computer if not perform correctly. Please back-up your files always.
Hope that helps!
Fix error check after illegal shut down
If you are having this issue only when you have illegal shut down then you must go with Hard disk check as it's Preventive Process and good to do. Disk Scan is the windows' in built process to prevent hard disk from bad sector which may be created due to improper shut down etc. But if you are having the same issue again and again whenever you restart you PC then have to go through this process then it will be a issue. You can do some steps to prevent this issue.
So i assume that you are getting the same issue and you can fix that issue by following the steps below :
Click Start>Run>
Type CMD and press enter.
Now type the command As typed in the Dos Window.
c:chkntfs /x (drive letter=ie c: ,d: ,e: ) as it's shown in the pic below.
you can type other drive letter instead of c: depends how many drives you have in your computer:
If still got the same issue then let me know. It will be nice to help in this.