To Fix Issues With The Sharp Network Scanner Tool.

Hello, as I was working with my sharp network scanner tool. I received an error implying ‘CE-02, Selected Servers not found. Please help me out with the possible solution?

Hello, as I was working with my sharp network scanner tool. I received an error implying ‘CE-02, Selected Servers not found. Please help me out with the possible solution?
If an error message popped up on the Sharp scanner, you should do the following: At the Sharp Network, touch the physical button (Job Status) -> Scan, Scan To or touch-screen button (Email/FTP) >Complete.
This will display either "Send Ok" or "NG8000". If it shows NG, follow the instructions on the Sharpdesk Troubleshooting Guide PDF attachment. If the status is showing "Send OK", the respective image was sent but it would have possibly ended up in a different folder but Sharpdesk. Try uninstalling/reinstalling Sharpdesk; it may solve the issue.
The most common reason the scanned images end up in the FTP root folder is that of script blocked by antivirus programs like Norton, McAfee, TrendMicro, AVG, etc.