Fix oracle 10g dba scripts table name error?

Hi,I have created 3 tables db1,db2 & db3.Whenever I am trying to fetch data from oracle 10g dba scripts table name errors occurs.Is this some kind of redundancy in data table?Suggest Please.

Hi,I have created 3 tables db1,db2 & db3.Whenever I am trying to fetch data from oracle 10g dba scripts table name errors occurs.Is this some kind of redundancy in data table?Suggest Please.
Hello Helenmarmstead
There are some limitations in case of the data transportation in case of External Tables of Oracle 10g. They are:
– External tables do not support the graphic, graphic external, and vargraphic.
– External tables do not support long, nested tables, varray, ref, primary key ref, and sid.
-The database determines decimal separator, character set, Â date mask and the other local settings.
-The use of the backslash character will raise an error in External Tables.
– External tables do not support the continueif and concatenate keywords.
As fetching data from Oracle 10g is creating a problem, I will suggest you to use the enhancement of Oracle 11g for the transformation of data.
Weiss Trevor
Hi Helenmarmstead,
In Oracle 10g external tables can be loaded and read by the help of data pump driver that would be defined at the time of creation of tables. But precaution should be taken no to use any sort of graphic images, special characters like back slash and some redundant use of keywords during the stage of giving name to these external tables.
Randle Steve