Fixing Acer Aspire 7738g Battery Not Charging Issue

I plugged in the charger into my Acer Aspire 7738g, but the battery is not charging. Is something wrong with my laptop? How can I fix this issue?

I plugged in the charger into my Acer Aspire 7738g, but the battery is not charging. Is something wrong with my laptop? How can I fix this issue?
There can be several different reasons for this issue to occur, ranging from a hardware issue to a power cable problem or many more. First, check the electrical connection, see if the plug is ON or not, whether the cable is getting power and there is not any cut in the wire. Check the health of the cable. Then look at charging port, see if the cable is correctly plugged in and there is no problem in the socket.
If till here any problem is found then try to replace that hardware piece. Else check the battery. Make sure the battery is fixed. Try removing it and clean the terminals of it. Sometimes due to overheating the charging is dropped. These are a list of possible explanations of the issue, try working your way the opposite side if you successfully diagnose the problem.