Fixing Error 0x887a0005

I saved my project once per hour and 0.5, I received the message that it was an inevitable waste thanks to the error 0x887a0005. Has anyone had the ingenuity to look for and solve this problem? Thank you.

I saved my project once per hour and 0.5, I received the message that it was an inevitable waste thanks to the error 0x887a0005. Has anyone had the ingenuity to look for and solve this problem? Thank you.
It indicates a computer error, in your case, the graphics card/video device.
Several possible causes:
1) Your video device is slowly dying, replace it
2) Your video drivers are damaged. Reinstall it from the website of the manufacturer of your PC / laptop.
3) If you have a computer and see what you are doing, open the cover and check the device connections to your video device – if necessary, reinsert it. In addition, clean (with compressed air) your food.
4) If your computer is up-to-date, your power supply may be too, thanks to Bone Yard’s excellent power supply – let’s check it out.
5) If you play games, set the high quality to medium or low to relieve the graphics card.
Personally, I would start with numbers 2, 3 and 5.