Fixing Error Code 0x80090305

I just try to update my windows and as it gets updated I suddenly received an error message which indicates error code 0x80090305. If anybody can help me solve this then please help!

I just try to update my windows and as it gets updated I suddenly received an error message which indicates error code 0x80090305. If anybody can help me solve this then please help!
Click here to start your PC. Visit the Windows Start button and click on it to open it. during this search, sort regedit and press Enter. Once the account editor window written is displayed on your screen. In this search field, sort a HKEY MACHINE \ package \ POLICIES \ MICROSOFT \ WINDOWS \ WINDOWS UPDATES \ AU neighborhood command. Open this command once, then open the AU folder on this tab. During this open slide, select the Delete button. Click OK to exit this method. Close all tabs. Restart your PC.