Fixing Position and Customizing Font Colors

Hi Techyv,
I downloaded Desktop Earthtime software and installed in my laptop. How do I fix the position and Customize the font colors through 'Options'?
Thanks experts.

Hi Techyv,
I downloaded Desktop Earthtime software and installed in my laptop. How do I fix the position and Customize the font colors through 'Options'?
Thanks experts.
You could customize your EarthTime from the Edit menu – Options. You can change how EarthTime starts, the location rotates which shifts from one city to another, the time/date format to use.
Of Colors, you have the City boxes, City text etc., which you can change their color. You double-click on the box color for a new color chooser window to pop up and allow you to choose another color.
You can also click on Help at your EarthTime window for full details on how to customize or use EarthTime. It’s located on the top right side of the EarthTime window.
Open EarthTime application.
Go to Edit, choose “Cities” (like on the picture).
Now in the Country list choose the desired country for a list of available cities, and in the City list choose the ones which you want to add to the EartTime world map. Select City and click “Add” button. Now that city will appear in the “Display These Cities” list. Click Ok. Now Cities you've added are displayed on the world map.
To change font colors, go to Edit, choose “Options”, and in “General” tab you can under “Colors” section change font color for Info text and City text.