Fixing The Accpac Error 49153, Cannot Access Database

I tried to log in to my Accpac version 4.2, and after the username and password it shows the error ‘Cannot Access Database Error 49153.’ What is the solution to this error?

I tried to log in to my Accpac version 4.2, and after the username and password it shows the error ‘Cannot Access Database Error 49153.’ What is the solution to this error?
This error means the client is unable to contact the server. There are many possible reasons which can lead to this, some of them are –
1. The Database is not running on the server side.
2. There is a firewall in the server which is denying access in either input channel or output channel.
3. The client is requesting the wrong server.
4. The server is resolved to a wrong IP address.
5. Not connected to the internet.
So, to remove the error work on these steps –
1. Check your internet connection.
2. Check firewall settings.
3. Check for blocked sites or access in antivirus software online protection menu.
4. Update the software and device.