Fixing The Rightfax Error 1722
I shifted to Windows 7 from Windows XP. The good fax does not work anymore. I receive the rightfax error 1722. Can you guess what action is needed?
I shifted to Windows 7 from Windows XP. The good fax does not work anymore. I receive the rightfax error 1722. Can you guess what action is needed?
You can follow these steps and see if the problem persists.
a) Click “Start”, click “Run”, sort “regedit” and click “OK”.
b) Expand the following subkey for written records:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Services \ Tcpip \ Parameters
c) Find the ReservedPorts price name and add the following port ranges:
1052-1062, 10520-10521, 10062-10062, 34987-34988
d) You must restart the RightFax server if one or more of the required interface units are used. If you already notice that this method is sacrificing the ports, stop the method and restart the RightFax RPC server module service.