Fixng Hp Scanner Error 6

Asked By 10 points N/A Posted on -

HP LJ300 m375 reports “HP scanner error 6, close-up, re-ignition” as soon as I scan a document on my PC. I close (and even reverse) and turn it back on and it still allows me to scan, so the error is back and I can not scan again until I shut down and turn on again. I do not get this error after searching for a USB flash drive. How can I buy to avoid this error?

Answered By 0 points N/A #321910

Fixng Hp Scanner Error 6


I suspect that you are simply scanning your laptop with the power-scanning application. In this case, the default resolution (DPI) is two hundred. target victimization three hundred. We are always looking for it, but that seems to be a disadvantage.

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