Flair Selection Unavailable in Reddit

What is Flair in Reddit?
Whenever I use Reddit, the notification "Flair Selection Unavailable" always appears.
What is this for?

What is Flair in Reddit?
Whenever I use Reddit, the notification "Flair Selection Unavailable" always appears.
What is this for?
It is a tag launched by reddit for users who want to send a modmail with a major of yours so that it can be visible on the subreddit.
It will be a completely new and voluntary feature as many users find it pretty easy and handy to use it a lot of times.
Apart from this, if you have not set the flair option and you are getting this error means that you have to disable it in order to remove the error.
For this you need to go to your profile settings and disable the flair tag so that no one can see it
Reddit is pronounced as “red it”.
It is a kind of website that purely contains entertainment and social news that were submitted by its registered users.
The contents contributed to the site are usually self-posted text information and sometimes it comes in the form of a link. When contents are submitted and posted to the site, other users can now rate or vote for the contents either up or down and this will determine the contents ranking on the site’s front page and other pages.
The contents submitted are ordered in the so-called “subreddits” or the areas of interest where the submitted contents are classified. The website was originally established by Alexis Ohanian and Steve Huffman until it was later acquired by Condé Nast Publications in October of 2006.
It’s kind of weird but the site was originally populated by false users and posts. For beginners who don’t know much about Reddit, “flair” is the customized text or sometimes images that usually appear next to the redditor’s name in the comments.
It is attached to a particular subreddit of the site. For a graphical illustration on how to use flair in Reddit if you happen to be having a hard time using it, Please visit here imgur.com How to set subreddit flair (made for /r/Drexel).