Flame Malware Update From Microsoft

Hi there,
Flame malware attacks that some time ago attacked several countries in the Middle East is making Microsoft to act quickly to close security holes in Windows.
The software giant from Redmond released emergency updates via Windows Update facility after its flagship operating system successfully penetrated by the malware Flame.
Flame is a sophisticated malware that can penetrate the defenses of a variety of security software and have a great espionage functions.
Not only that, a 20 MB malware is capable of deceiving the Windows security system that creates a fake certificate, as if the flame as the software produced by Microsoft, because it is a lot of anti-virus software is fooled.
Some analysts of security companies estimate that sophisticated malware Flame is made by a country or organization and not by the act of a intruder, because Flame is very complex.
Microsoft quickly released a security update through Windows Update with update code KB2718704 to close the security hole has been exploited by malware Flame.
This update has been released to all editions of either Windows 32 bit edition or 64 bit, starting from Windows XP to Windows 7 becomes available.
The security update will be available through Windows update service automatically. If you have disabled Windows Update, which you shouldn’t be doing whatsoever, you can still manually download and install it from this link
The Flame malware also goes by the name Skywiper, sKyWIper, and also Flamer. It is a modular computer malware that mainly targets computers running on Microsoft Windows. The main purpose of the malware is for cyber espionage which targets Middle Eastern countries which obviously includes Iran, Syria, and the West Bank. It was discovered by MAHER Center of the Iranian National Computer Emergency Response Team [CERT], CrySyS Lab of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics, and Kaspersky Lab on May 28, 2012.
After detecting the Flame malware, Microsoft released an update patch to fix the changes made to affected computers. The patch can be downloaded from Microsoft | Support | Unauthorized digital certificates could allow spoofing. If the malware successfully penetrated the computer, it leaves a file called “WUSETUPV.EXE”. Flame’s encryption was described by Iran’s CERT as having a pattern that can only be seen in Israel which eventually made the country the main suspect.
I think Flame is the most malicious virus ever. I don’t think my PC was also secured from its attack. So I was worried about it very much. I have found my remedy from this page. Now I don’t have to worry about Flame because I already know its purpose and capability of my PC. This is from you guys. You all have given fantastic solutions which helped me a lot especially Sharath; your explicating solution helped me most. I especially thank you from the deepest core of my heart because you have provided informative, delicate reply that was so easy to understand and so easy to apply that took me about a minute to install the update. You’re a genius. Now I am able to be released from my panic. Thanks a lot, Sharath.
I congratulate all of you for your brilliant comment. I know that Microsoft is going to release any security update on Flame Malware but going through your comment I have come to know that it has been released whose purpose is for cyber espionage however this news was not acquainted to me. Sharath you had described about patch which was released by Microsoft, its effort is to fix the change made to affected computer and your provided downloading link for the patch was very useful for me to know beyond this kind of software and which anomalous tip-off cut a draw in my mind which since I believe, your comment was the best of all. Excellent Sharath Reddy!!!