Flash programmed websites in Internet Explorer

Friends, I am using Internet Explorer and I am facing some problems in Flash made websites. How can I solve this.Â

Friends, I am using Internet Explorer and I am facing some problems in Flash made websites. How can I solve this.Â
You are having problems visiting flash made web sites and yet you are still using a quite unstable web browser. Microsoft Internet Explorer is very common for getting errors most especially java script errors. There are times that this web browser can not even handle a simple java script on the page and will not stop displaying the debug option. Going back to your problem with flash made web sites. If your web browser is having a problem displaying a page that uses flash, maybe it is because your computer does not have an Adobe Flash Player installed on it. If you don’t have this component or application on your machine then you will never really be able to visit any site with flash in it. It will just display incorrectly. To fix your problem, install Adobe Flash Player on your computer. This is the latest version and can be downloaded at https://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/?promoid=BUIGP.