The Floating IP Address System and its Inner Working

Asked By 50 points N/A Posted on -

Please provide me with some knowledge on the floating IP address system. I would like to know how this work. How can I subscribe to a service that provides the floating IP address system? What benefit do I derive from using a network connection setup which relies on this services?

Answered By 590495 points N/A #190578

The Floating IP Address System and its Inner Working


The term floating IP or simply the floating IP address refers to an IP address, normally a public IP address, which can be dynamically added to a running virtual instance. An IP address, on the other hand, can be either private or public. A public IP address means that the IP address can be reached or accessed over the internet.

Of course, a private IP address is the opposite of public IP address. It can’t be accessed from the internet. The easiest way to know your private IP address is to run without quotes “ipconfig” in the command prompt. The IP address listed next to IPv4 Address is your private IP address. See image.

Now, to find your public IP address, the easiest way to do it is to ask a website since websites sees your public IP address. For example, you can go to Google and search for without quotes “what is my ip”. Google will then show you your public IP address. Mine is See image.

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