Floating license of CCS V5.1
I would like to ask a few questions about the floating license of CCS V5.1.
I get an error from CCS; as a result I test the CCS wiki.
![The license file indicate THIS_HOST, and the server is not running on this host. If it's running on a different host, THIS_HOST should be changed to the correct host.](https://www.techyv.com/sites/default/filesx/users/pameladir150/License-Information-View-Network-Information-View_0.jpg)
License Information View
Network connect to THIS_HOST failed.
The license file indicates THIS_HOST, and the server is not
running on this host. If it's running on a different host,
THIS_HOST should be changed to the correct host.
License path:
FLEXnet LIcensing error: 95,378
My problem is:
The Description of TI Part is "Code Composer Studio IDE – Floating 1 User Pack (F01)"
Indicating that I need to make a license server, after that I can utilize CCS fine?
Can I modify the license form to Node locked license for floating license?
I need a solution.
Please help.
Thanks a lot.