Flowchart template Excel 2007: Steps to follow in Excel 2007

Name some parts in flowchart template in Excel 2007? Discuss about shapes, texts, and connecting arrows. Write the steps to complete the following task.

Name some parts in flowchart template in Excel 2007? Discuss about shapes, texts, and connecting arrows. Write the steps to complete the following task.
Creating a flowchart template in Excel 2007 needs
1. Insertion of shapes: To add the it, first click the Insert tab. Then find Shapes button, click it to see the gallery. Add the shape on the worksheet by double-clicking on it.
2. Add more: After this a Format tab is available. It is a duplicate of the shape gallery.
3. Adding text: Click on the figures to write the text. Editing it by clicking in the center of the shape.
4. Connecting arrows: These are available in the gallery. Select the line type. On the shapes, red dots are an available for connection.