Focusing menu bar in excel 2011 by pressing ‘/’ key
In Excel 2011 for Mac, when the slash key ‘/’ is pressed, the focus goes to the menu bar. As we can go to menu bar without the help of mouse, is this option available in windows version?
In Excel 2011 for Mac, when the slash key ‘/’ is pressed, the focus goes to the menu bar. As we can go to menu bar without the help of mouse, is this option available in windows version?
Hello Marshan,
For sure the forward slash key functionality is available in windows too as it is in mac, and its basic function in excel is to act as a shortcut to the Excel menu bar. You can disable it or enable it using the following procedure when using the Excel 2007 spreadsheet.
1. In you excel document go to the Office Button in the menu, and then select Excel Options.
2. Look for Advanced click on it, and then scroll down until you see the following: Lotus compatibility.
3. When the Microsoft Office Excel menu key opens: in the field, you will need to replace the slash (/) with some other character which you will not be using frequently, and then click OK when you are done.
And that is how you access the slash key in excel in windows.
Mahesh Babu
In Office Excel 2007 and 2016, the slash key (/) still works the same as with your Office Excel 2011 for Mac. If that’s the case, the Windows version of Office Excel 2011 will also have the same functionality. The slash key in Microsoft Office Excel, by default, acts as a shortcut to the menu bar.
When you are using Office Excel and you press the slash key, instead of putting the slash symbol on the cell, it will activate the Office Excel menu bar and you can simply select the corresponding letter or number indicated by each category.
To enter the slash symbol on a cell, you need to press “F2” on your keyboard to edit the cell and then press the slash key to insert the slash symbol. To others, this will be quite annoying. If you don’t want this feature, you can disable it actually. To disable this feature, in Office Excel, click the “Office Button” or “File” then “Excel Options”.
In “Excel Options” window, select “Advanced” then look for the “Lotus compatibility” section. In “Microsoft Office Excel menu key” field, replace the slash symbol with a different character. Use a character that you don’t use frequently like the tilde symbol (~), for example.
When you are finished, click “OK”. This will now make the slash key available when you need to type the slash symbol on the spreadsheet.