For our semester project, we are using sampling technique.

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For our semester project, we are using sampling technique. Found that there is a sampling error when the sampling is done. Please provide more information on why this sampling error occurs?

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Answered By 0 points N/A #329721

For our semester project, we are using sampling technique.

  • Sampling means selecting smaller units from the population to study about particular activity.
  • It is mainly used in research purpose. Instead of applying experiment over the entire population, few samples are tested and conclusion is drawn based on the outcomes from the selected samples.
  • Sampling error occurs when the units chosen for the purpose of study does not match with the expected results.
  • For example, to study the food habits of college students in a city.
  • Instead of making survey with every student in every college, from each of the college, a few students are asked and finally conclusion is drawn on what type of food is preferable by which group of students.

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