Forgot the Login to SSH Gateway Server

Asked By 20 points N/A Posted on -

Hello experts. I badly need your help. I forgot my login to an ssh gateway server. Is there any way that I could recover it? How? My key seems to function a week ago. I don't know if I'm entering a wrong one or my login has been compromised.

Best Answer by Harpe byers
Answered By 0 points N/A #137862

Forgot the Login to SSH Gateway Server


It is not so much important that you should remembers the password as automated switch user that help you to improve your security so you need not to carry on password all the time. Recover the password though pass recovery software.

Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 10 points N/A #137863

Forgot the Login to SSH Gateway Server



Dear Oral,

Please follow these steps to recover the log in and password for SSH Gateway Server:

1. Click on the Control Console,

2. Select the system,

3. Now select User Manager,

4. Select Administrator,

5. Now change the user id and password,

6. Define it as abc,

7. Press Ctrl+C,

8. Log-off from the system,

9. Now restart the system and you can log in with new id and password.

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