Forgot password for USB device

Hi experts, I forgot password for USB device.
Is there any way I can retrieve it without reformatting it?
Thanks a lot.

Hi experts, I forgot password for USB device.
Is there any way I can retrieve it without reformatting it?
Thanks a lot.
Hi James,
Since, I haven’t encountered yet in my USB. I recommend you the sites that can help recover your password.
Here is the site. A little piece of advice when you recover your password just writes your password in your diary or a pocket notebook with you so that easily for you to remember.
Hope it will help.Â
Best Regards,
Is your device has a backup? If yes:
Hello friends and many thanks for helping.
Casas Buckner, the link you provided is excellent.
I am really glad for this link because the screenshots tutorial helped me to know how to recover my password.
It is a very easy method, and after recovering my password now I free from anxiety.
I will always remember your advice and thanks Casas Buckner.