I bought a new computer and I'm using Windows 7 in it.
The problem is , I forgot the password of my account. How can I recover the password? I don't have any valuable data, in my new PC but  I still want to recover it,  without re-installing Windows. Is it possible ?
Please help.
Forgotten Windows 7 account password
Did you create a password recovery disk ?
Forgotten Windows 7 account password
No. IÂ never created a password recovery disk.
Is it possible to recover it without any recovery disk?
Forgotten Windows 7 account password
Reboot your PC and start it in safe mode by pressing F8. Â See if it asks for a password or not. If not, Â then
1. go to control panel
2. select user accounts
3. select the user, whoever  forgot the password and reset it.
Forgotten Windows 7 account password
Unfortunately it asks for a password mate.
I'm totally lost now !!!
Forgotten Windows 7 account password
You can use the Windows Password Reset. Download it from the link below:
And then, make a CD/DVD Windows Password Reset disk. Restart your computer and boot from the USB or the CD/DVD where the Windows Password Reset is saved. Choose the user where you want to reset the password and then click the Reset button to launch the Windows 7 password reset. Reboot your PC and login using a blank password. Follow the onscreen instructions.
Forgotten Windows 7 account password
Thank you very much.
I bought a CD of ophcrack.
And it worked !!
It successfully recovered my old password !!!