Formula needed for calculating the length of a steel

What is the length of a steel coil if the weight of the galvanized steel coil is 2.5 ton by 125mm by 0.8mm? What is the formula?

What is the length of a steel coil if the weight of the galvanized steel coil is 2.5 ton by 125mm by 0.8mm? What is the formula?
First you have to find out the inside and outside diameter of the coil then you have to calculate the area.
For that you have to use following formula:
A = pi( Do^2 – Di^2)/4
A means area of the coil ( in
Do means outside diameter in inch.
Di means inside diameter
After that divide the area by the thickness of the sheet. The value obtained is the length of the metal in the coil in inches
L means length and t means thickness
Now you have to convert the length to feet by dividing it by 12. After that multiply it by the width of the sheet in ft.
As= (L/12)*W
As means area of the sheet in sq.ft.
L means length calculated in step 2
W means the width of the sheet
The unit weight 1 inch thick steel sheet is 40.8 lbs/sq.ft. So the unit weight of a sheet of t thickness is
W means unit weight of the sheet in lbs/sq.ft
t means thickness of the sheet
Weight of the steel coil is Weight =(As*w) lbs.
In the above mentioned solution you can find length and weight of the steel coil with any given parameters.
Else you can use the following link for calculator which helps to calculate the length or weight of the steel coil.