FoxPro database alternatives with performance & flexibility

Asked By 20 points N/A Posted on -

Hi Friends,

I am using Visual FoxPro, I am searching for a similar software that has the performance & flexibility of Visual FoxPro. SQL and .NET is not an option for me due to the cost constraint. Suggest me a best FoxPro database alternatives, that will help me.


Timothy A Chatman

Answered By 15 points N/A #168438

FoxPro database alternatives with performance & flexibility


Hi Timothy,
The alternative software to FoxPro database is MySQL.
1) It is a non Microsoft database which can be used over FoxPro
2) It has free version and can be downloaded from MySQL official website
3) It is a relational database system
4) It has a client server architecture which helps the clients communicate with the single server
5) It is platform independent and can be used with many operating systems
6) The processing speed of MySQL is faster as compared to other databases
7) MySQL is capable of performing operations similar to the SQL server

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