Free wifi from NetZero ?

Is it true that the entry level wireless  internet service provide NetZero is offering 1 year free service. How can we utilize it?

Is it true that the entry level wireless  internet service provide NetZero is offering 1 year free service. How can we utilize it?
Yes, Its true that Net Zero is offering free broadband service for laptops, tablets, mobiles. This free service is limited. The service provider is giving only 200 MB of data usage for free. Later if you exceed this 200 MB the service will be dropped till next month. This service is available only for 12 months. If you want to utilize this service contact the Net Zero customer care they will help you out in a better way. First thing that you need to follow is if you have a laptop or a computer buy a data card. If you have a mobile they buy a wireless hotspot and then contact the Net Zero customer care. The service is only available in USA only.