Asked By
Kobe Bird
0 points
Posted on - 11/23/2011
Hello I am trying to install the Futuba VFD to my windows XP, but this error always appears.
It seems that the problem is during the copying of Futuba files to my system.
How can I solve this one?
Is it a problem to my Futuba installer?
I download the installer again and installed it, but the error still there, how to fix this one guys?
Futaba VFD control program installation Setup
An error occurred during the move data process: -115
Component: Program File
File Group: Program DLLs
File: C:WINDOWSMicrop.dll
Futaba VFD control program installation Setup
Hi Kobe Bird,
    The reasons why you are encountering such error whenever you are installing Futuba VFD might be also because of the following reasons:
The installer you're using doesn't have the complete installation system. Â Check the Installer first.
The Operating System you are currently using doesn't match the program. Â Try using another application which is compatible with system requirements.
The Ram Space availability is lacking. Â free you disk space by removing all the unnecessary files and programs.
You might not follow the instructed set up well. Â Read the instructions carefully and try doing it again slowly but surely.
Might probably you don't have the permission in installing such application. Â Try configuring your permission setting by enabling it.
Hope this might help you.
Futaba VFD control program installation Setup
You just simply try first thing you do try to check the installer if there an corrupted files or maybe when your download the software there is an error to installer just simply check on that to your software and then try to download again the software to be sure only then try to upgrade or maybe update the software then try uninstall the old one then try to reinstall the new one after that just simply restart your machine to be safe only then after try to check or scan the system if there an infected files or application to your computer just simply check on that if its working at all.