I'm a gamer. Therefore, I use the Game Debate GD Anywhere extension which provides the information about the system requirements of any game. I use the extension on Google Chrome but it is not working properly. It doesn't save my system information and it doesn't even load the information about games properly. How can I fix this error?
Game Debate extension not working.
Check if the Google Chrome extension you are using is still compatible with the current version of your browser. I’m also using browser extensions on Mozilla Firefox and Opera and there are extensions or add-ins that supports only certain versions of the browser. There are extensions that are no longer updated which may not work on newer versions of the browser.
If you think your extension is not working properly, visit the extension’s page then check what versions of Google Chrome are supported. Also, check if you are using the latest extension because sometimes a new version is released which may require you to update your current version. In case you are using the latest extension and the version of your Google Chrome is supported, try uninstalling the extension and then install it back.
If the extension really doesn’t work properly and it still doesn’t save your system information, then just check the system requirements of the game manually from the Game Debate website. To help improve the extension, report the bug you found so they can fix it in the next release.