Generic browsers for different browsers

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What is mean by a generic mobile browser for a mobile

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Answered By 0 points N/A #125996

Generic browsers for different browsers



You are asking about what is meant by generic mobile browser in mobile this means that the browser which is generic means which will allow any of the site to run of the browser and which allow user to use it for any purpose instead of specific purpose so the generic is very vastly used browsers for all purposes instead of single purpose. These sort of browsers are very easily to use and very compatible for the mobile because no need to install the other browsers if you have installed generic browser in your mobile so keep generic browser in your mobile which is on of the very useful tool for the mobile.

Answered By 0 points N/A #125997

Generic browsers for different browsers


Whenever you visit a website, your browser stores information so that it loads faster the next time you visit that site.
After a while, the cache gets filled up and slows down browsing.
'Clearing the cache' just means removing all of these files.

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