Gentoo powerpoint in Linux OS

Hi Experts,
I am using Linux OS and looking for gentoo powerpoint for Linux. How can I download the gentoo powerpoint for Linux.

Hi Experts,
I am using Linux OS and looking for gentoo powerpoint for Linux. How can I download the gentoo powerpoint for Linux.
Hi guys, Gentoo are available for all open source based Linux version. You can use Gentoo and at the same time you can customize if have programming capability because it is open source software. To download this software just take a look at the link below. I think you will find the suitable Gentoo for you. Thanks.
For office productivity in Linux, try using OpenOffice software. It is the Microsoft’s Office version in Linux system. It is free and contains word processor, spreadsheet, presentation and database management. It is a project of Sun Microsystems and owned by Oracle. It runs in Windows as well so you can use the installer in your Windows computer if you want to.Â
The latest version of OpenOffice is 3.4.1 and you can download it here.