Genuine download sites for free Wap php scripts

Does anyone know here I can download  good free wap PHP scripts?
Many sites that promise free scripts contain malware & viruses.

Does anyone know here I can download  good free wap PHP scripts?
Many sites that promise free scripts contain malware & viruses.
Hi Ekamukama,
Find below the answer to your question:
I understand you are looking for a way to download good free wap PHP scripts. It is very good to beware of malware and viruses when looking for software to download  on the internet as they are capable of damaging your PC.
I have helped you to searched for good free wap  PHP scripts that will meet your need.
Click the link to download the software:
I hope I have answered your question.
You want PHP scripts for your WAP site.
Such kinds of scripts are available in many forms in web, but, as you mentioned, there is a threat of contamination of malware and viruses.
Try these safer links:
Hotscripts category scripts php scripts
Darkwap mobi free scripts PHP ftp