Get A Trace File Of Kaspersky Security Center Web-console For Troubleshooting

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

Hello, on my server the Kaspersky security center web-console is not working properly. When I tried to take technical support, Kaspersky engineers are asking me to send trace files of the web-console. So, How to get the trace files?

Answered By 0 points N/A #297537

Get A Trace File Of Kaspersky Security Center Web-console For Troubleshooting


Hello, I understand your issue and to trace file of Kaspersky security center web-console it need few steps. The trace files help the Kaspersky engineers to know the exact error of the system and can be diagnosed and troubleshoot.

1) Download and extract it.

2) Trace collection should be enabled, for 32-bit run file web-con-5lvl_on.reg or for 64-bit you can run file web-con-5lvl-x64_on.reg.

3) Now, restart web-console (to do so, run ‘net stop CSwebinterface’ and then ‘net stop CSwebinterface’).

4) Replicate the problem once again.

5) Now, Trace collection should be disabled, for 32-bit run file web-con-5lvl_off.reg or for 64-bit you can run file web-con-5lvl-x64_off.reg.

6) And the file is saved to %allusersprofile%\Application

ata\KasperskyLab\CSWebInterface folder with the name similar to trace_yyyymmdd_xxxxxxxx_id.log.

Finally, this trace files can be shared with the Kaspersky engineers to solve your problem.

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