Has Microsoft Forefront TMG included in application layer protection and anti-malware protection? What is a Background Intelligent Transfer Service? What are Routing and remote access features? Which operating system and platform needed to install Microsoft Forefront TMG? How many types are there? Are there any drawbacks of Microsoft Forefront TMG? Thank You
Get marvelous features of Microsoft Forefront Threat Management Gateway 2010
Hello Chester!
Microsoft Forefront Threat Management Gateway – is a network router, firewall, antivirus program, VPN server and web cache from Microsoft Corporation. It is also known previously as Internet Security and Acceleration Server (ISA Server).
Security Layer Protection
1. Application Layer Protection
2. Filtering, content filtering
3. Anti-malware protection.
Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) – a part of Microsoft Windows XP and later operating systems that simplifies selected, controlled, and asynchronous relocation of files between machines using idle network speed.
Routing and Remote Access Features
1. Virtual Private Network (VPN) – allows a computer or network-enabled device to send and accept data thru shared or public networks as if it were openly connected to the private network, while benefiting from the functionality, security and management policies of the public network.
2. Network Address Translation (NAT) – method was originally used for ease of routing traffic in IP networks without changing every host.
3. Proxy server – acts as a middle-man for requests from clients seeking resources from other servers.
System Requirements for MS ForeFront TMG
1. CPU – 64-bit, 1.86 GHz, 2 core
2. Memory – 2 GB, 1 GHz RAM
3. Hard Disk – 2.5 GB available space
4. Operating system – Windows 2008 (SP2 or R2)
Here are some of the MS ForeFront TMG drawbacks that are recently fixed.
1. The IP address filter settings of the filter do not work in Forefront TMG 2010.
2. TMG 2010 flops to produce information if you install TMG 2010 in a separate name space environment.
3. Error message happens if you attempt to access a web server that involves a client certificate if HTTPS check is enabled in Forefront TMG 2010: "Error Code: 502 Proxy Error. The message received was unexpected or badly formatted. (-2146893018)"
4. Doesn’t distinguish a Subject Alternative Name certificate on a non-English Windows operating system.