Get a virus that will not be clean w/ antivirus.

Is there a virus that in order to get rid of it from the computer system is to do reformat and re-install everything on the computer?

Is there a virus that in order to get rid of it from the computer system is to do reformat and re-install everything on the computer?
You not need to format everything. Get in your operating system. Move all data placed on desktop and My Documents etc (If you are using windows) to other drives except drive C. Now reinstall your operating system while formatting drive C.
Welcome to new operating system, don’t enter into any drive except C (since C has been formatted and virus free). Connect to the internet download anti-virus, update it. I recommend NOD32 you can download it from and to update you will have to find username and password and you can search Username and password from google. Anti-virus is installed and update now you have to go for scanning all drives except C. Wait till Anti-virus will scan all drives for virus, make your Pc virus free. Now go for further installations (drivers, softwares etc).
Good Luck!
Yes there is, especially the Worms and the Trojans, and you cannot to anything about it once your computer is infected by this viruses other than reformatting. Because sometimes, what it does is it prevents you from installing anymore programs in your computer and you might no have anti virus protection from before.
You should have installed anti virus in the first place, but I suggest that if you are using a Microsoft Windows Operating System. Make sure to get the Microsoft Security Essential. It is a very good anti virus for the Windows. But if you have no choice, Trend Micro, Eset or Avast will do the job for you.