Hello mate, I am a photographer, generally shoots nature. While working on my recent shoots with photoshop, suddenly electricity is gone, and the pc turned off. When the pc boots itself, it was doing some code initializing, and after it opens, it shows the notification of Computer Repairing disk errors. Help me out.
Getting Computer Repairing Disk Errors. Please Solve!
Unexpected system shutdown is the cause of Computer repairing disk errors in most cases. It is also triggered by CHKDSK on booting, as it plays a vital role in scanning and repairing problems. It will take 4 to 6 hours to finish. I advise you to leave your computer running to finish it. If the “Repairing disk error” issue again terminates, try other means.
• Restart from Safe Mode.
Hold the “shift” key and press the power button for 2-3 secs. Sign in screen will appear click “Restart.” After it starts again choose Troubleshoot > Advance options > Start-up setting > Restart. Then press “F5” in the displaying option list to start from Safe Mode with Networking.
• Automatic Repair.
If the computer can’t normally start in safe mode, then Automatic repair will help you.
1. Insert Windows installation media at the outset.
2. Press “F12” to enter the Boot Menu, we have to change the boot drive to the installation media.
3. Will get a prompt of “Press any key to boot from CD or DVD,” press any key.
4. Choose time and keyboard type.
5. Hence, choose “Repair your computer”.
6. At last choose “Troubleshoot > Advanced options > Automatic repair.
• System Restore
Let’s say If the above-mentioned tips cannot help you, so try System Restore to get back Windows as earlier.
1. Reboot the pc from bootable USB drive or DVD.
2. Then the “Install Windows” screen will appear in which you have to select “Repair your computer.”
3. Again choose “Troubleshoot > Advanced options > Automatic repair.
If these steps failed, then there must be a cause of driver failure. Replace the driver with the new one.