Getting Disk Read Error On Boot Up. Have To Fix It.

I was starting up my computer, and it showed disk read error on boot up. Then, the display would turn off and won’t open again. How can I fix this error?

I was starting up my computer, and it showed disk read error on boot up. Then, the display would turn off and won’t open again. How can I fix this error?
The cause of the error may be due to an incorrect MBR configuration or the partition table. You can fix the error by using Easy Recovery Essentials like Easy RE. Recently installed RAM also poises the problem, check for it. Don’t forget to assess the Hard Disk Cables. The ports might have some problem. The last resort can be Resetting or Upgrading BIOS. Hope, the solutions I gave fixed your error.
If that error shows up on boot up, there are only two possible causes: one, you have a loose cable and two, your hard drive is in bad state. First, you need to check if your hard drive’s cable is a little bit loose. Turn off your CPU then unplug it from the power.
Open the CPU case then disconnect all the cables from your hard drive (power supply and ribbon cable). Connect the ribbon cable or data cable back to the hard drive. For the power, connect the other power supply cable to your hard drive. Don’t use the previous power supply cable. After this, plug the CPU back to the power then turn it on.
Press DEL on your keyboard to go to the BIOS then go to the hard drive section and detect your hard drive. Make sure your hard drive is detected successfully then save the changes and then exit. If the drive can’t be detected then there’s your problem. You have a dead hard drive that needs a replacement.
If the drive was detected successfully but you still receive the “disk read error” at startup, you need to replace your hard drive. It is a sign that your hard drive is failing and you need a new hard drive. At this point, recovery of your data cannot be guaranteed.