Getting Error 404 Internet Explorer On My Computer

I have an HP Windows 7 enabled laptop. The system architecture is 64-bit. I was browsing the internet when I encountered an Error 404 internet explorer on the browser. Please help.

I have an HP Windows 7 enabled laptop. The system architecture is 64-bit. I was browsing the internet when I encountered an Error 404 internet explorer on the browser. Please help.
Whenever the browser makes a request to the server, the server along with the data sends a response code to the computer. The browser then interprets this code to determine whether the request was successfully terminated or not.
404 error code is associated with the following two cases
• You have requested a non-existent web page.
• You haven’t started the session to access this web page.
Try the solutions given below to solve your error
1. Type the URL of the requested resource correctly.
2. Make sure the given URL exists on the internet.
3. If the web page requires authentication, make sure you provide one.