I am getting an error message from Unity Editor during the "LZMA compression" build phase.
When I select the option "Try Again", the same message pops up in something like a loop. If I click "Cancel", the build completes with other errors. Any ideas?
Moving File failed.
Moving Temp/Assembly-UnityScript-Editor.dll to failed: from non-directory to directory.
Answered By
Getting an error message from UnityEditor
Hello Eugene, it looks like you are getting problem while your program is being compiled.
This problem might occur if you are trying to save the files into such a directory that system doesn’t accept it as any directory.
Check to be sure that the save directory exists. If not, create that.
Also, if this problem continues, use another directory.
Hope this helps.
Getting an error message from UnityEditor
This error happens when you're building Unity to a location that the system say is not a folder. try to put all the testing code and libraries in the Editor folder. But since it is not actually part of the application and only intended to be used from the editor, it doesn't need to be in with other libraries.
Hope this helps you to