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0 points
Posted on - 10/03/2011
I am trying to connect the UART to connect to any named pipe or USB or serial adapter. I am trying this for my speech synthesizer. I am getting an error every time I tried to connect. The error “Cannot set the host port mode of the serial port 0 because the device path is empty or null.” I am getting the same error and cannot set the host pipe mode of serial port 0 as the path pipe seems to be empty. I have tried with every windows host but the error remains same.
Answered By
0 points
Getting error while trying to connect UART
There are no serial ports under the guest OS device manager, ports in use on host OS when VirtualBox is running. You need virtual serial port access to let the guest OS access an external modem connected to the host computer's COM1 port.
For instance with a Linux host, XP as guest and a USB serial port bridge. Solved it by going to "Add Hardware" in the Control Panel and adding the COM port manually. It would not detect, you had to go to the bottom of the list of "Installed Hardware" and select "Add a new hardware device". After that the COM port was listed and I could add it and work with it.
Getting error while trying to connect UART
Hello Ranjish,
To resolve that issue, you will need to download the 2.0.4 OSE source code and then check to see whether the command line argument has got bugs.
The issue you are getting is more likely to occur because in VBoxManage.cpp – VirtualBox-2.0.4/src/VBox/Frontends/VBoxManage/VBoxManage.cpp – , this code is called SerialPortImpl?.cpp so that it can check for errors with STDMETHODIMP Serial Port:: COMSETTER (Host Mode?) (Port Mode? _T aHostMode).
In the method above, the path will be checked but it may end up failing because it has not yet been assigned. To resolve the issue therefore you will need to modify the path as shown here.