Getting or downloading podcasts on android

I just switched from iPad to android. Â Does android have podcasts too? Â If so, where do I get them and do I need a specific player to listen to them?Â

I just switched from iPad to android. Â Does android have podcasts too? Â If so, where do I get them and do I need a specific player to listen to them?Â
Android also supports podcast!
There are free and paid applications which can be found in the market that can be used in playing a podcast. Here are the top 4 best Android Podcatcher….
1. MyPOD Podcast Manager (Free) – free version can hold up to 10 feeds
2. BeyondPod – this is an easy to podcatcher that is free for 7 days. Purchasing this app will cost you $7.00
3. DoggCatcher – this is a well implemented and designed pretty good podcatcher. This app doesn't have a free version and it is available for download in the market for $7.00
4. A Cast – a very user friendly app with an easy interface that lets you manage your feeds easily. Unlock key for this app is worth $4.00
All this podcatcher are available in the Google play store. Take your pick.
There are podcasts available for Android but I’m not sure if some are free. Like for example the Pocket Casts, which costs about $3.99. It is a full featured podcast player for podcast lovers. It has an auto download feature which allows the users to select their desired podcast and configure it to auto-download while they are asleep.
With Filters, you can check a list of unplayed, downloaded podcast or a list of video episodes that you haven’t downloaded yet. The latest version is Pocket Casts 5.2.2 and it supports Android 4.1 Jelly Bean and higher. Another one you can try is BeyondPod Podcast Manager. It costs around $6.99 and offers 7-day full feature free trial period. You can access hundreds of thousands of free video and audio podcasts and play your content anywhere either online or offline.
Please read the Reviews from the users who already downloaded and used it before deciding on purchasing it.