Getting PHP error when activating a theme on WordPress
Hi experts,
I loaded a WordPress blog, but when I tried to activate my theme (Mystique theme), I get a PHP error:
Warning: fopen(/home/***/public_html/blog/wp-content/themes/mystique-extend/lang/.mo) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/***/public_html/blog/wp-includes/pomo/streams.php on line 109
I then tried to look in the directory for the documentation, but it does not exist.
Here's what bothers me. I also installed a similar version of WordPress as well as Mystique theme on another machine (Windows 7, XAMPP also installed) and it worked properly; there was no PHP error. I am able to use the Social-Media images on the theme.
Need to solve this. Please help.