GIMP Message Plug-in Crashed Error

I need to create a 48×60 banners and I need to export it an open office (.odt) file to a PDF with 300dpi image so I can import it to the GNU Image Manipulation Program or GIMP. But I am having an error when I tried to import the photo. The error is: GIMP Message Plug-in crashed: “file-pdf.exe” (C:Program Files (x86)GIMP-2.0libgimp2.0plug-insfile-pdf.exe) The dying plug-in may have messed up GIMP's internal state. You may want to save your images and restart GIMP to be on the safe side. My client needs the banner to be in a 300 resolution format but since I am having issues with importing it as a pdf, I want to know if I can open the .odt file in GIMP and import my image there? I need advices please. Thank you.