Hello experts,
Give me some idea on streaming software best. I need to see some live streaming television from the internet. My television was not in good condition but I still want to watch TV through internet. Give me some ways to access this. Thank you.
Give me some idea on streaming software best.
Hello Brenda,
YouTube is a place that you can stream television programs and news as long you know the streaming url for the particular TV that you want to watch its programs. Some TV stations also offer streaming services from their company websites and therefore the thing is to just know the url.
Give me some idea on streaming software best.
There are few solutions to your problem.
1. There are many live TV streaming software available on the internet. I will give you two names with the highest ratings and highest number of downloads. Number one is 'SopCast'. You can get this software from link ahead.
Number two is 'Readon TV Movie Radio Player' which plays online TV plus radio. You can find this software from the link ahead.
2. If you want to watch TV on internet, most probably on your computer then you can buy a TV card (hardware) which is made for PCI Express slot. Install the software and enjoy the TV.
Hope It will help you.