Asked By
Edward Rand
40 points
Posted on - 11/18/2012
I want to have a web tv for mac so that I can move my tv outside of my bedroom and just watch "TV" on my mac. I know there are several sites providing this service but I want to know if there are people here who have done this and to know what they think so I can make the right choice. Please tell me the service provider and if it is good or not. Thanks!
Give suggestions of web tv for Mac
Dear user,
There are many websites on the internet from which you can download a web tv for your mac and several people have downloaded from these websites. The point is that unless you won't experience yourself. then you will never be able to know that which web tv works the best, so for your help I will provide you some websites from which you can download a web tv for your mac. You can search on for web tv, it provides a long list from which you can choose the best option. You can download Kenbushi 7.4, you can use it to manage media on your mac. It includes easy File-Sharing over LAN or Internet.
Thank you.