Global Agenda fails to run with steam
When I want to run Global Agenda with steam I got this error, when I want to run with SteamMapps the same error appears. I have contacted the GA online support and what they said to me doesn’t work. Please, can someone help me to repair this error ? Why I have this error since from my last play it worked without any error ?
Thank you !
Global Agenda Launcher
Unexpected error:
System.XmI.XmlException: Root element is missing. at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderlmpl.Throw(Exception e)
System.XmI.XmlTextReaderlmpl.ThrowWithoutLinelnfo(String res) at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderlmpl.ParseDocumentContento at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderlmpl.ReadO
at System.Xml.XmlLoader.Load(XmlDocument doc, XmlReader reader, Boolean preserveWhitespace)
at System.Xmli(ml Document.Load(Xml Reader reader)
at System.Xml.Xml Document.Load(String filename)
Hirez.Utilities.HirezConfigSettings.LoadConfig Document(String filePath) in C:TgGameDevelopmentToolsPatchLoadH iRezDotNetUtilsUt ils.cs:line 1591
at Hirez.Utilities.HirezConfigSettings.ReadSetting(String filePath, String key) in C:TgGameDevelopmentToolsPatchLoadHiRezDotNetUtilsUt ils.cs:line 1496
at GlobalAgendaLauncher.HRLPMainForm..ctor(String[j args) in C:TgGameDevelopmentToolsPatchLoadGlobalAgendaLaunc herHRLPMainForm.cs:line 318