GNS3 fail to start in OS X Lion

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

I just downloaded the Graphical Network Simulator version 0.8.2 Lion beta from the GNS3 site. When I clicked on the .app file of GNS3, I received a "GNS3 Error".

GNS3: GNS3 Error

When clicking on the Open Console button below, I got the log as shown below.

1/16/12 4:05:56.730 PM GNS3: GNS3 Error
1/16/12 4:06:08.011 PM [0x0-0x3b63b6].net.gns3: WARNING: vboxapi module cannot be loaded ! You can proceed, but VirtualBox functionality will not be locally available.
1/16/12 4:06:08.011 PM [0x0-0x3b63b6].net.gns3: ———Traceback lines (saved in exception.log)———-
1/16/12 4:06:08.011 PM [0x0-0x3b63b6].net.gns3: Traceback (most recent call last):
1/16/12 4:06:08.011 PM [0x0-0x3b63b6].net.gns3: File “/Applications/”, line 58, in <module>
1/16/12 4:06:08.011 PM [0x0-0x3b63b6].net.gns3: File “/Applications/”, line 55, in _run
1/16/12 4:06:08.011 PM [0x0-0x3b63b6].net.gns3: File “/Applications/”, line 97, in <module>
1/16/12 4:06:08.011 PM [0x0-0x3b63b6].net.gns3: File “GNS3/Main.pyo”, line 61, in <module>
1/16/12 4:06:08.011 PM [0x0-0x3b63b6].net.gns3: File “GNS3/Application.pyo”, line 355, in run
1/16/12 4:06:08.011 PM [0x0-0x3b63b6].net.gns3: File “GNS3/Config/Objects.pyo”, line 64, in __setattr__
1/16/12 4:06:08.011 PM [0x0-0x3b63b6].net.gns3: AttributeError: value of `path’ must be of type: <type ‘unicode’>
1/16/12 4:06:08.011 PM [0x0-0x3b63b6].net.gns3: ———————————————————–
1/16/12 4:06:08.022 PM ([0x0-0x3b63b6].net.gns3[6698]) Exited with code: 255

How can I correct the issue?

Answered By -10 points N/A #147094

GNS3 fail to start in OS X Lion


Hi lornes,

I read your error. There seems to be a problem with your Virtualbox,

Try these steps I hope they will help you.

1. Download VBE 0.8.2
2. Extracted the file.
3. Run ./gns3.pyw. It will open the VBE.
4. Go to Preferences > Virtual Box. See if Path to Vboxwrapper is correct. Click "Test".

Normally it will load vboxapi module. If it failed to load vboxapi module. Please check the VirtualBox installation.

Hope it solves your problem, if it doesn't then contact me, we will try something else. I saw that you have been facing this problem since the 23rd of march because that's when you posted the question.

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