Google Analytics performance options location?
Hi Experts,
Google Analytics performance options location?
In GA where can i find what the performance of each page load?
I heard there is a new feature added. Where is it located.?
Hi Experts,
Google Analytics performance options location?
In GA where can i find what the performance of each page load?
I heard there is a new feature added. Where is it located.?
From view site performance first you have to login into your Google analytics account after that click on your account list option and choose your website profile any one account list.
After that select account list, the visitor’s overview page display on your Google analytic account. On this page you have to see the performance of particular site.
In short : First Login to your analytic account -> Select account list option -> Choose account -> Check performance.
In this performance section you can see each page performance and you can also create or edit or delete your dashboards.
Yes there is a many new features added, you can see that all new features in Google analytic menu bar.