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Posted on - 05/22/2012
Google chrome has beat Internet Explorer for the first time. Stat Counter record the percentage of user of Google Chrome and Internet Explorer is 32.5% and 32.1% Respectively. Can IE again claim the position back in near future or Firefox will again come to this race?
Google Chrome beats Internet Explorer
As I know the Google chrome is becoming the most popular browser since it is not very heavy. We can browse internet fast with Google chrome. So the chrome is becoming more and more popular and the numbers of users are increasing day by day. But anyway internet explorer is the first gate when we install the windows operating system first. So most of the time when we just install the operating system, we use internet explorer as first browser. So it is still on the race.
The fire fox is more professional and the IT professional use fire fox most of the time. Since it is giving more features to developing side and the source code can be downloading.Â
So the fire fox is still in the head of the game.
Google Chrome beats Internet Explorer
Windows Internet explorer is browser software of Windows 7, Windows Vista SP2, Windows Server 2008 it starts at 1995. Now a days windows 7 used internet explorer 9.though Google chrome is invented in many years later of internet explorer. Yes the popularity of Internet Explorer will be an increase because it browsing system is increasing day by day rather than Google chrome.
Google Chrome beats Internet Explorer
Dear Toton,
Google chrome has beat internet explorer for the first time. Now there are 32.5% Google chrome user and 32.1% Internet explorer user. But some days ago Firefox was the top browser according to user count. Now a day’s Google chrome is a very popular browser. People who have been used Mozilla Firefox or Internet explorer, recent days they use Google chrome.
Google chrome is a very good looking web browser, so people started to use it. Although Mozilla is also a good browser, people use Google chrome.
It is possible to come back in race for Firefox. They can beat both Google chrome and Internet explorer together.
Thank you, have a nice day.