My Google chrome is showing an error message, which is "error 106". Until last week my chrome works perfectly, yesterday I try to download a large size application, but it seems lot of time. So I cancel it. From there my browser goes to hang, then I reboot my PC for continuing my work. But then my browser show this error.
I don't know what to do.
Google chrome giving Error message
Error 106 means:-
error 106 internet not found…Error 106 occurs when there is a problem with Microsoft Windows.
error 106 error_internet_disconnect.i had uninstalled the antivirus but still the problem exists
Error 106 (net::ERR_INTERNET_DISCONNECTED): The Internet connection is lost..
Error 106 (net::ERR_INTERNET_DISCONNECTED): The Internet connection has been lost…
so, its better to re-install it.
Google chrome giving Error message
Make sure that your firewall settings does not deny chrome.
Here are the steps:
1. Make sure IE is your default browser (otherwise firewall doesn't show everything).
2. Open your Firewall Summary (right click on Firewall Summary Shield/icon).
3. Click on "View the Current Firewall" -> Firewall -> Advanced Configuration -> Application.
(NOTE: it is HIGHLY IMPORTANT that Internet Explorer is set as your default browser FIRST before this step; otherwise, you will not be able to view everything along the above mentioned path).
4. Scroll down until you find "chrome.exe",
5. Open it (by double clicking) and change it from "deny" to "allow".
This should resolve your Chrome connection problems…Hope this helps.
Google chrome giving Error message
The browser Google Chrome is not the problem. The program software that installed in your computer might be the problem. The malware or your anti-virus of your computer might block it. That's why you cannot connect to the internet or the error 106. The better way to solve this problem is to disable your anti-virus or the malware when you use the browser. And use registry cleaner. Then, run all the scanner and update them as administrator.
You don't have to uninstall your program (anti-virus), just disable it. The error 106 is a critical error damage in your system that loss data.