Google Let Me Search That For You Feature!

What is Google let me search that for you characteristic? How is it helpful in getting better search results? Is it embedded in Google or it is another site on Internet?

What is Google let me search that for you characteristic? How is it helpful in getting better search results? Is it embedded in Google or it is another site on Internet?
The Google let me search that for you is also known as Let me Google that for you (LMGTFY). It is a single-serving site having one-page and one-purpose with a unique domain name.
It is helpful in a way that it generates a link to Google search results for every question or piece of information asked in the LMGTFY search box.
For example: If someone asks you to search something for him, then you can obtain the link from this Website and share it with him. The Let me Google that for you site was created by Jim Garvin and Ryan Geary in 2008.