Google Play Error Code 920 On My Phone.

I am using an Android phone. I want to download and install an app from the Google Play Store into my phone. But when I start to download, it shows an error code 920 on the phone. Please help.

I am using an Android phone. I want to download and install an app from the Google Play Store into my phone. But when I start to download, it shows an error code 920 on the phone. Please help.
To fix the error try any one of the following methods.
In Android, there seems to be a lot of reasons why you encounter error code “920” on Google Play when downloading something and there appears to be no fix solution. The most common causes of error code “920” on Google Play are:
First thing to do is to uninstall and reinstall the application where you encounter the error. Locate the app where you receive error code “920” then open it on Google Play store and uninstall it. Once the app is removed, clear the task manager and install that app back. If this doesn’t work, try to turn off and turn on your phone’s Wi-Fi connection.
If this doesn’t work, clear the Google Play store cache. Go to “Settings” then select “APPLICATIONS” tab. Here, locate “Google Play Store” then tap it to open. On the next screen, tap “CLEAR CACHE” at the bottom. After this, clear the task manager then continue with your download or update.